The tragic death of Dan Kakai, a Form Two student from Siritanyi Secondary School, has ignited widespread outrage and demands for justice in Kenya. Kakai, an...
Seven individuals sustained police gunshot wounds and were rushed to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital following protests in Homa Bay Town. Among...
Protestors surrounded a Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) convoy, chanting “Ruto must go” in a fervent display of dissent. The demonstration, which...
An alleged police officer who participated in the protests against the proposed 2024 finance bill has claimed that he is being followed. In a report shared by...
Recent reports have named NIS Director Noordin Haji as the person behind a series of recent abductions and misadvising President William Ruto on a contentious...
Reports have surfaced that a high-level security summit has been convened at State House, Nairobi, bringing together key security chiefs and governors amidst...
President William Ruto has declared a military state after a brief meeting with select Members of Parliament. This unexpected decision has left the nation in...
Hours after concerns arose on Tuesday night, June 25, following reports and viral videos suggesting a shootout in Githurai 45, Kiambu County, amidst ongoing...
BREAKING NEWS: Several Protestors Allegedly Shot Dead By Police as Azimio MPs Stage Walk Out From NA
Reports have emerged alleging that police shot and killed a protester, believed to be from the Gen Z demographic. The incident occurred as members of the...
Recent reports indicate that anti-Finance Bill 2024 protesters have overpowered police officers and destroyed a water cannon along Kenyatta Avenue in Nairobi...