In Kitengela, police fired teargas at residents who were stoning them, escalating tensions ahead of planned nationwide protests. Reports indicate that the...
Sammy Cullen Maina, a young university student who had been reported missing, has been confirmed dead. Maina, a student at KCA University, was last seen...
In a major breakthrough in the Kware bodies saga, detectives have detained a second suspect believed to be linked to the grim discovery of multiple bodies at...
On Monday morning, detectives announced a major breakthrough in the investigation into the gruesome killings of several individuals whose bodies were recovered...
Acting Inspector General (IG) of Police Douglas Kanja, alongside the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), informed Kenyans about the discovery of...
News Just In: New IG Takes Action Against Kware Police Officers After Bodies Were Found Near Station
The new acting Police Inspector General, Douglas Kanja, has addressed the public following the discovery of several bodies at the Kware dumpsite, located...
Since Friday, Kenyans have been gripped by a developing story after several bodies were discovered dumped at the Kware dumpsite in Mukuru Settlements...
Acting Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja has announced the harrowing discovery of eight severely dismembered female bodies at the Kware dumpsite in...
Reports have emerged that the number of bodies retrieved from a dumpsite in Mukuru Kwa Njenga, Nairobi County, has increased this evening as the retrieval...
On Friday, July 12, former Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome praised the National Police Service (NPS) following his resignation. Speaking at the NPS...