Belinda, popularly known as Black Beauty on TikTok, has recently stirred controversy with her responses to fans begging for financial assistance during a live...
The Trend show recently witnessed an emotional tribute to Njambi Koikai, as media personalities Larry Madowo, Ciru Muriuki, and others came together to...
Celebrity power couple Diana Marua and Kevin Kioko, popularly known as Bahati, recently melted hearts as they unveiled the face of their youngest daughter...
Madtraxx’s wife, Salma, has publicly accused him of assaulting her and shared images online to substantiate her claims. This disclosure has sparked a...
Roots Party leader George Wajakoyah and Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi came together on Friday following Sudi’s acquittal by a Magistrate’s court on...
President Ruto’s daughter, Charlene, has found herself embroiled in a political tussle with MPs from Kitui County following her two-day visit to the...
Njambi Koikai, the beloved media personality and former Dagoretti South parliamentary candidate, has passed away after a long and arduous battle with...
The beloved reggae MC Njambi Koikai, also known as Faya Mumah, made heartfelt appeals to President William Ruto and former Mombasa county governor Ali Hassan...
Musician King Kaka made headlines this weekend with a lucrative bet on the UEFA Champions League final. Betting USDT 2000 (KSh 265,612) on Real Madrid, King...
Celebrated Kenyan media personality Regina Gacheri Manyara, widely known as Ray Manyara, has recently issued a stern warning to her fans about an impersonator...