Pauline Njoroge, a prominent figure, recently expressed her admiration for the current youth-led protests, describing the participants as fearless, cool, and...
Today, Ndindi Nyoro, Member of Parliament for Kiharu, led a church service in Kakamega, accompanied by Mumias East MP Peter Salasya. The event, held at a local...
The late Fred Omondi, the younger brother of renowned comedian Eric Omondi, had earlier before his untimely death opened up about his life as a single father...
Fred Omondi, a celebrated comedian and the brother of renowned comedian Eric Omondi, tragically passed away on June 15 following a devastating accident...
Today, Saturday, June 15th, Kenyans have been jolted by the heartbreaking news of the sudden demise of beloved comedian Fred Omondi. According to reports, Fred...
On Friday, reggae DJ Njambi Koikai was laid to rest at the Langata Cemetery, drawing hundreds of mourners from various places to bid her a final farewell...
A unique form of protest has emerged in Kenya as citizens have taken to social media to share the phone numbers of politicians. This unconventional method of...
Today, the hearts of many are heavy as veteran actor Alphonse Makokha bids farewell to his beloved wife, Purity Wambui. Purity, who battled bravely with stage...
As the nation mourns the loss of beloved media personality Jahmby Koikai, also known as Fyah Mummah, new details have emerged about the fundraising efforts to...
Kitale’s cherished Mzungu preacher, Baba Jimmy, has unveiled a personal household rule that has left many of his followers both amused and reflective. Baba...