Home » Nandi County Governor Stephen Sang Is Facing Serious Allegations Of Corruption and nepotism, which has Drawn Widespread Attention

Nandi County Governor Stephen Sang Is Facing Serious Allegations Of Corruption and nepotism, which has Drawn Widespread Attention

The accusations involve the illegal employment of unqualified individuals, including close relatives and political allies.

Investigations led by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have exposed instances of nepotism within the county’s hiring practices, where family members of the governor were reportedly placed in key county positions.

Among the individuals under scrutiny are Hottensia Sang and Hillary Sang, the governor’s siblings, who have benefited from county jobs despite questionable circumstances.

Hottensia, though residing in Ireland, has continued to receive a salary as an assistant director in education for Nandi County.

Hillary Sang, who took early retirement from the Kenya Defence Forces, was employed by the county but later shifted to Uasin Gishu County, seemingly to escape public attention.

Other relatives, including Patrick Kipkoech and Joash Kipkoech, are also alleged to have been placed on the payroll, despite working abroad or not performing actual work.

This has raised concerns about mismanagement and the misuse of public funds.

Further investigations by the EACC have revealed the presence of “ghost workers” within the county’s workforce.

These individuals, including cleaning supervisors, are allegedly receiving salaries without providing services.

The practice appears to be part of a larger network of political patronage, where loyalty to the governor is rewarded with county jobs.

The investigation has placed a spotlight on the systemic corruption within the devolved unit, prompting widespread calls for reforms and accountability.

Governor Sang, for his part, has denied any wrongdoing, stating that he has been audited by the EACC, and no irregularities were found.

However, his defense has not quelled the growing public outcry.

In recent months, Sang has faced increasing pressure from both local protests and national scrutiny.

Demonstrations in Nandi County, led by frustrated citizens, have demanded greater transparency in the use of public funds.

The governor has been forced to address these protesters, some of whom accuse him of shielding corrupt practices and neglecting key development projects.

In response to these accusations, Governor Sang has taken drastic measures, including the termination of over 1,800 county employees.

He attributes the firings to the need to correct long-standing corruption and irregular hiring practices within the county’s human resources.

This mass dismissal has sparked its own controversy, with some affected employees threatening legal action and protests to challenge their termination.

The ongoing investigations and protests surrounding Governor Sang highlight the challenges of managing public resources at the county level in Kenya.

The residents of Nandi County and the nation at large await the outcome of these investigations to see if justice will be served and if public funds will be reclaimed from those who have illegally benefited.
