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How ODM Is Using Power Plays To Blackmail Azimio Coalition Partners

Azimio-affiliated party members revealed that ODM has become a hostile partner, seemingly pushing for a separation while still clinging to the coalition.

However, the ODM party now appears to be issuing stern warnings to its partners, accusing them of persistent squabbles over cabinet appointments involving some of its members.

Jubilee, led by former President Uhuru Kenyatta, and Wiper, under Kalonzo Musyoka, are the second and third most prominent parties in the coalition.

They have joined forces with Eugene Wamalwa’s DAP-K, Gideon Moi’s Kanu, and Peter Munya’s PNU in an attempt to challenge ODM’s dominance within the coalition.

Yet, their efforts have stalled due to ODM’s firm grip on leadership.

After a failed coalition council meeting on Monday, Raila Odinga’s ODM now seems prepared for a showdown with its disgruntled partners.

The party is threatening to remove them from various parliamentary roles if they continue their attacks on Odinga.

Leadership Positions
ODM co-deputy party leader Godfrey Osotsi stressed that since they are the second-largest party in both the National Assembly and Senate, they would naturally take over all leadership roles held by their partners through the coalition if hostilities escalate.

Osotsi further warned that any move to push ODM out of Azimio would backfire on its partners, as ODM remains the largest opposition party based on its numbers in both houses.

“I encourage them to consult the standing orders of both Houses; they might realize that only Wiper qualifies as a parliamentary party,” Osotsi remarked.

Currently, ODM controls key leadership positions in the National Assembly, with Suna East MP Junet Mohamed as Minority Leader and Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo as Minority Whip. Wiper holds the Deputy Minority Leader position through Kathiani MP Robert Mbui, while Jubilee’s Embakasi West MP Mark Mwenje serves as Deputy Minority Whip.

In the Senate, Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo (ODM) serves as Minority Leader, assisted by Wiper’s Enoch Wambua, while Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina (ODM) is Minority Whip, deputized by Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna (ODM).

The coalition also holds several committee positions, thanks to Azimio’s shared structure.

Regarding coalition management, Odinga’s camp controls key positions, notably the Secretary-General post held by Junet Mohamed.

This position is pivotal as it involves overseeing the party’s day-to-day operations, aligning activities with its constitution, and acting as the main spokesperson.

The Secretary-General plays a vital role in organizing party meetings and ensuring smooth operations, including national conventions and executive meetings.

Osotsi reiterated that ODM remains Azimio’s principal partner, asserting that intimidation and blackmail would not force them into submission.

“When they claim we have joined the government, what are they basing this on? We have no written agreement with Kenya Kwanza—this is merely theatrics,” he quipped.

ODM firmly stated they will not tolerate lectures from “junior partners” urging them to exit the coalition.

On Tuesday, a senior coalition member reprimanded Eugene Wamalwa and Jubilee Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni for issuing ultimatums, noting that neither are members of Azimio’s top decision-making body, the Azimio Council.

Concerns are rising among ODM’s partners that Odinga’s rapport with President Ruto and his pursuit of the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship which the government has endorsed could lead to a 2027 deal with Kenya Kwanza, leaving them sidelined.

Homa Bay Town MP Opondo Kaluma criticized Azimio affiliates for showing disrespect towards ODM.

“We are alarmed by the disrespectful behavior from our Azimio partners towards ODM. Let’s treat each other as equals or dissolve Azimio and let every party forge its future,” Kaluma demanded.

Kioni revealed to Nation that they won’t allow Odinga to bring Azimio into government, alleging that Odinga had expressed plans to step down as Azimio’s leader to focus on his AUC bid.