Home » “It Was A Set Up” Ruto’s Ally Alleges Some Worrying News On What Was Planned On Ruto During Protest

“It Was A Set Up” Ruto’s Ally Alleges Some Worrying News On What Was Planned On Ruto During Protest

Kapsaret Member of Parliament, Oscar Sudi, has revealed surprising claims regarding the events of the past two weeks, asserting that the protests against the finance bill were not genuine demonstrations but rather a calculated effort to pressure President William Ruto into resigning.

In a viral video circulating on social media, Sudi alleged that there was a sophisticated attempt by certain orchestrators to burn down his home and overthrow President Ruto’s government.

He contended that these actions were driven by individuals with selfish interests who aimed to seize power.

The legislator confidently asserted that the recent violence witnessed across the country was a calculated scheme orchestrated by sponsors and financiers.

According to Sudi, these individuals exploited the protests led by Gen Z to attempt to overthrow President Ruto and destabilize the government.

“Things that happened in Kenya were planned. They intended to overthrow the government. It was a set coup,” Sudi charged, fueling the already intense political atmosphere in the country.

The past two weeks have been marked by significant chaos, characterized by widespread destruction of both public and private property.

Numerous individuals and businesses were looted or burned down.

Tragically, over 40 people lost their lives due to live ammunition, with hundreds more sustaining gunshot wounds during these protests.

Sudi’s comments appear to counter allegations that President Ruto and his supporters were behind the violence aimed at undermining the ongoing anti-government protests in Kenya over the last three weeks.

While avoiding naming individuals directly, Sudi dismissed these accusations and implied that another motive was behind the unrest.

The protests, initially sparked by opposition to the finance bill, have since escalated into a broader expression of discontent against the government.

The demonstrations, led primarily by the youth, have called for transparency, accountability, and economic reforms.

However, the emergence of Sudi’s claims adds a new dimension to the narrative, suggesting that there are deeper political machinations at play.

The allegations have intensified the already volatile political climate in Kenya.

Critics of the government argue that Sudi’s statements are an attempt to divert attention from the legitimate grievances of the protesters.

They maintain that the demonstrations reflect genuine public discontent with the government’s policies and actions.

On the other hand, supporters of President Ruto may view Sudi’s revelations as evidence of a coordinated effort to undermine the administration.

They argue that such plots, if true, represent a grave threat to Kenya’s stability and democratic processes.

As the situation continues to unfold, the truth behind the recent events remains unclear.

The competing narratives underscore the complexities of Kenya’s political landscape, where accusations and counter-accusations often blur the lines between genuine dissent and political intrigue.

MP Oscar Sudi’s allegations have added a new layer of complexity to the ongoing unrest in Kenya.

His claims of a plot to overthrow President Ruto highlight the intense political tensions in the country and raise critical questions about the motivations behind the recent protests.

As Kenyans seek clarity and resolution, the nation’s leaders must navigate this current situation with caution and a commitment to upholding democratic principles and addressing the root causes of public discontent.
