Home » Defence CS Duale Offers to Step Down, But on One Condition

Defence CS Duale Offers to Step Down, But on One Condition

In a candid interview on Citizen TV, Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale called upon President William Ruto to take decisive action against underperforming Cabinet Secretaries.

Duale did not shy away from including himself among those who should be subject to scrutiny, expressing his willingness to resign if found wanting.

“If the President feels I have let him down as Minister of Defence, I want him to do the right thing,” stated Duale.

“Not only start with me and all the rest who have let him down in the interest of the Kenyans and tell us to step aside.

I am ready.”Duale emphasized the urgency of the President reviewing the performance of all Cabinet Secretaries and making necessary changes.

His remarks underscored his belief that it was the right time for President Ruto to take such actions, especially to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the government.

The Defence CS highlighted his own commitment to serving the Kenyan people, citing his extensive experience in government.

“I have served the people of Kenya as a member of Parliament, as a leader of the majority, and for the last two years as the Cabinet Minister for Defence,” he noted.

“Anybody he feels is baggage and he feels should come out of the bus he is driving, he should do it, including me, Aden Duale.”

Duale’s comments come in the wake of mounting pressure from various quarters for a reshuffle within President Ruto’s cabinet.

Notably, senators led by Kakamega legislator Boni Khalwale have been vocal in their demands for a comprehensive overhaul.

They have also called for the dissolution of offices deemed unnecessary, such as the Prime Cabinet Secretary, currently held by Musalia Mudavadi.

“Mr President, dissolve and reconstitute the Cabinet. Disband offices like the Prime Cabinet Secretary that are not constitutionally mandated in Kenya,” urged Khalwale.

Duale’s forthright stance and willingness to be held accountable reflect a broader sentiment among some political leaders that change is necessary to ensure the government operates optimally.

His call for a performance review of all Cabinet Secretaries is likely to resonate with many Kenyans who are eager for more efficient and transparent governance.

As President Ruto considers these calls for action, the nation watches closely, anticipating potential changes that could shape the future of Kenya’s leadership and governance.
