Home » State House Power Play: How Secret Meetings And Political Maneuvering Sealed Governor Mwangaza’s Fate

State House Power Play: How Secret Meetings And Political Maneuvering Sealed Governor Mwangaza’s Fate

Amid a tense impeachment trial, Ms. Mwangaza’s opponents seized the moment, rallying senators along political lines to secure her ousting.

Insiders reveal that a group of Meru County politicians visited the State House on Monday, urging President William Ruto to remain neutral.

This move emboldened them to enlist a top Kenya Kwanza senator to gather support from 28 United Democratic Alliance (UDA) senators—enough to surpass the 24-vote threshold required to unseat the 50-year-old governor.

“The leaders who met at State House were referenced during the impeachment proceedings.

They requested the President to stay out of the issue, giving them room to rally along party lines,” one insider told the Daily Nation.

Reportedly, female governors also sought the President’s intervention, but Dr. Ruto remained non-committal.

Kenya Kwanza holds sway with 30 senators, bolstered by six opposition members who pledged loyalty to the ruling alliance, alongside 22 UDA senators and one each from Ford Kenya and the Democratic Party.

When voting commenced under Speaker Amason Kingi’s watch, 26 senators backed the first charge of gross constitutional violations, four opposed, and 14 abstained.

The second charge of gross misconduct saw 26 in favor, two against, and 14 abstentions.

For the third charge of office abuse, 27 senators supported it, one opposed it, while 14 abstained.

The session wasn’t without tension as chaos erupted, with heated exchanges between lawmakers.

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna labeled Mr. Kingi “an embarrassment,” while nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba was ejected for protesting the lack of debate before voting.

With deliberations stifled, some Azimio and Kenya Kwanza-nominated senators raised concerns about the direction of the process.

In response, opposition senators boycotted the voting, joined by Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale (UDA).

Breaking ranks with his party, Elgeyo Marakwet Senator William Kisang voted against the charges, though his vote was invalidated due to a technical issue raised by Mr. Kingi.

“State House reportedly made calls. UDA senators were instructed to ensure Mwangaza was removed as governor. Lawmakers aren’t independent; Kenya is doomed,” said Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka.

Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang echoed this sentiment, stating, “Azimio won’t engage in petty political battles that breach the Constitution and the rule of law.”

Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi also cited UDA’s interference, claiming it was more about power dynamics in Meru than the charges themselves.