Home » ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga Threatens to Withdraw AUC Candidacy, Decries The Following

ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga Threatens to Withdraw AUC Candidacy, Decries The Following

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga made a significant announcement on Sunday, threatening to withdraw his candidacy for Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) if efforts to restore political stability in Kenya falter.

Speaking in Dubai, the Azimio leader emphasized his commitment to his country’s well-being over his continental ambitions.

Odinga stated, “I am ready to forgo my AUC ambitions for the sake of my country if this is being used to manipulate me at the expense of the quest for a better and stable country.”

This declaration came shortly after he reiterated his stance on not engaging in dialogue with President William Ruto’s administration until justice is served for young Kenyans killed during anti-government protests.

Odinga expressed his outrage over rumors suggesting that he had been bribed into forming a government of national unity by the Kenya Kwanza administration.

He firmly denied these allegations, stating, “The idea that I have agreed to such a government is entirely false.”

According to Odinga, these rumors were propagated by individuals aiming to sow discord within the Azimio Coalition.

The former Prime Minister, who also leads the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party, stressed that his decision to engage in dialogue with the Kenya Kwanza administration was not motivated by personal gain or political manipulation.

He underscored his dedication to justice and political stability in Kenya, indicating that any negotiations would only proceed if they aligned with these principles.

Despite Odinga’s clarifications, his willingness to engage in dialogue has faced criticism from within his party.

Notably, Siaya Governor James Orengo and other ODM luminaries have expressed their discontent.

Orengo described Odinga’s decision to consider dialogue as a betrayal to those who have lost their lives during the anti-government protests.

“We cannot at a time we are mourning our people and some are scrambling for positions, this cannot happen,” Orengo stated on Friday, July 19.

Odinga’s threat to withdraw from the AUC race underscores the gravity of the political situation in Kenya and his prioritization of national stability over personal ambition.

His stance reflects a broader concern about the integrity and future of the country’s governance.

The rumors and speculations surrounding his candidacy for the AUC chairmanship have highlighted the deep divisions and tensions within Kenyan politics, particularly within the Azimio Coalition.

As the leader of the Azimio Coalition, Odinga’s actions and decisions are closely scrutinized.

His insistence on justice for the victims of police brutality and his rejection of alleged political manipulations resonate with many of his supporters who demand accountability and transparency.

However, the internal criticisms and differing perspectives within his coalition indicate the complexities and challenges of navigating political alliances and maintaining a unified front.

Raila Odinga’s recent statements and threats to withdraw from the AUC candidacy reflect his unwavering commitment to Kenya’s political stability and justice.

His willingness to prioritize national interests over personal ambitions underscores his dedication to addressing the critical issues facing the country.

As Kenya grapples with its political future, Odinga’s actions will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s trajectory.
