Home » Fresh Details Finally Emerge on Why Raila Delayed Submitting His Cabinet Nominees

Fresh Details Finally Emerge on Why Raila Delayed Submitting His Cabinet Nominees

New details have emerged regarding opposition leader Raila Odinga’s decision not to submit his Cabinet Secretary (CS) nominees to President William Ruto.

According to sources within Raila’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), the absence of ODM’s nominees from the recently announced 11-member Cabinet stems from two main issues: a demand for an actionable plan to address youth concerns and a delay in agreeing on the allocation of three key Cabinet slots.

President Ruto had initially planned to name 14 CSs, including three picks from ODM.

However, due to ongoing discussions and unresolved issues, the President proceeded with appointing only 11 nominees.

The remaining three positions are reportedly reserved for ODM once the list is finalized.

An insider from ODM revealed that President Ruto had asked for a list of ODM nominees.

However, Raila insisted that the government first address the issues raised by Gen Z protesters.

These protests had previously led to significant changes, including the withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024, the dissolution of the Cabinet (except for Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi), and substantial budget cuts across the Executive and other agencies.

The source indicated that ODM was supposed to secure two powerful ministries and another position previously held by someone from the Coast region.

However, Raila emphasized that he would only propose names once there is a clear plan from the government on how to resolve the concerns raised by young protesters.

These issues include economic hardships, unemployment, and social justice.

The source, who chose to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the discussions, reported that the President was ready and had asked for the list, but Raila called for the issues raised by the Gen Z to be addressed first.

Raila’s stance reflects a broader demand for the government to take meaningful action on youth issues before political appointments are finalized.

It is understood that Raila wants a clear mechanism from the government on how some of the pressing issues raised by the youth will be addressed.

His insistence on addressing these concerns underscores the significant influence of youth activism in shaping political decisions and priorities in Kenya.

The delay in submitting ODM’s nominees highlights the growing importance of youth issues in Kenyan politics.

As discussions continue, the resolution of these issues will be crucial for the finalization of the Cabinet and the broader political stability in the country.

President Ruto’s administration will need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing the economic and social challenges faced by the younger generation to gain the support of key opposition figures and the public at large.

The situation underscores the complex interplay between political negotiations and the demand for social justice, highlighting the critical role that youth activism plays in driving political accountability and reform in Kenya.
