Home » President William Ruto Breaks Silence With The Following Urgent Message To MPs Amid Countrywide Finance Bill 2024 Protests

President William Ruto Breaks Silence With The Following Urgent Message To MPs Amid Countrywide Finance Bill 2024 Protests

President William Ruto has made a significant appeal to Members of Parliament, urging them to expedite the passage of the Finance Bill to ensure budgetary funding for the education sector.

His comments come amidst widespread protests against the bill, highlighting the tension between the government’s fiscal policies and public sentiment.

Speaking during the 5th Graduation Ceremony of Garissa University on Thursday, President Ruto emphasized the critical importance of the Finance Bill for the future of education in Kenya.

He argued that the National Assembly needed to fast-track the legislative process to establish a robust foundation for schoolchildren.

He noted that the government had already earmarked Ksh660 billion for the education sector in the 2024/2025 budget estimates, covering all levels of education.

“I am requesting the Members of Parliament who are here to expedite what is in parliament so that we can transit these well-deserving teachers who have been teaching for the last two years and make them permanent and pensionable,” Ruto stated.

This appeal underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing the welfare of teachers and ensuring job security for those who have been serving on temporary contracts.

The President also highlighted the necessity of providing equal educational opportunities for all children in Kenya.

“I am asking our Members of Parliament that every child in Kenya deserves a chance and for them to expedite the work they have in parliament to make these loans and scholarships available to our children,” he added.

This call to action is a clear indication of the administration’s focus on education as a cornerstone of national development.

The Finance Bill has been a contentious issue, sparking countrywide protests from various groups who are concerned about the economic implications of the proposed measures.

Despite the public outcry, President Ruto’s speech sought to redirect the narrative towards the long-term benefits of the bill, particularly in securing the necessary funds for educational programs.

By framing the bill as essential for educational funding, the President aims to garner support from both lawmakers and the public.

His emphasis on the allocation of Ksh660 billion demonstrates the government’s significant investment in the education sector and its recognition of education as a vital area for national growth.

The protests against the Finance Bill reflect broader concerns about fiscal policy and economic management in Kenya.

However, President Ruto’s address at Garissa University serves as a strategic move to highlight the positive impacts of the bill, particularly in transforming the education sector.

His appeal to MPs is a call for urgent legislative action to fulfill the government’s budgetary commitments.

As the debate over the Finance Bill continues, President Ruto’s intervention underscores the administration’s resolve to push forward with its agenda, balancing the immediate concerns of the public with the long-term goals of national development.

The focus on education, in particular, is likely to resonate with many Kenyans who view the sector as crucial for the country’s future prosperity.