In a troubling incident in Kenya, a French couple, Luc Camilleri and Ricard Magaly, who were working for the French Embassy in Kenya, allegedly failed to honor an agreement with an estate agent named Hellen Njeri Nderu. This situation has raised...
Chief Justice Martha Koome has joined the opposition and religious leaders in criticizing the rising number of abductions in the country. In a statement issued...
Kenya is reportedly in the final stages of negotiating a massive KSh 194 billion loan from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) through International Holding Company...
Ahmednasir Abdullahi, often called “The Grand Mullah,” is a lawyer whose reputation is clouded by numerous allegations of unethical conduct...
Even as pressure mounts on the government to rebuild an electoral body less than three years before the general election, hurdles have developed that are...
A concerning incident at Naivas Supermarket has raised serious questions about both the supermarket’s quality control practices and the oversight of the...
KCB Bank has been involved in a scandal involving money laundering and financial irregularities. The bank’s role in financing a controversial deal with the...
Reports from an employee at QuickMart Mtwapa have exposed a deeply entrenched toxic culture that mirrors the broader issues plaguing the supermarket chain. The...
The Adani Group is facing one of the most challenging periods in its history following serious allegations of bribery and fraud. These allegations, levied by U...
The abduction of Uganda’s veteran opposition leader Kizza Besigye in Nairobi has sparked alarm over regional security and political repression. Besigye, a long...