As the nation mourns the loss of beloved media personality Jahmby Koikai, also known as Fyah Mummah, new details have emerged about the fundraising efforts to...
Garissa County’s CEC for Finance, Abass Khar, was arrested early this morning at Placina Restaurant on Kitale Lane, off Dennis Pritt Road in Nairobi. The...
Media mogul SK Macharia made a seemingly routine financial request, as he wrote to Diamond Trust Bank (DTB), instructing them to wire Sh400 million from...
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has encountered a significant political setback that could undermine his advocacy for the “One-man, One-vote, One...
Heated exchange over Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s recent travel arrangements, political commentator Alinur Mohammed has raised questions about the...
Garissa Governor Ali Korane Jama has taken desperate measures to shield his administration from a sweeping corruption investigation. Facing an imminent threat...
Governor Johnson Sakaja has found himself at the center of a controversy after a video of him twerking on TikTok went viral. The video, which has garnered...
From Anti-Dynasty Crusader to Power Broker: Ruto’s AMACO Dominates Kenya’s Insurance and Tax Sectors
AMACO, an insurance company associated with President William Ruto, has secured significant roles and responsibilities. AMACO is now at the helm of the...
In the intricate landscape of Kenyan politics, the dynamics between those in power and their predecessors often reveal deeper currents of influence and...
As an employee of Stima Sacco, it is disheartening to witness and experience the high levels of corruption that plague of recruitment process. This pervasive...