Jimmy Donaldson, known as MrBeast, is facing significant legal challenges with his upcoming reality series, Beast Games, after several female contestants filed...
Larry Madowo, a journalist, revealed on Saturday that his CNN show is receiving criticism from a foreigner. Larry took to his X and showed screenshots of...
Morara Kebaso, a prominent Kenyan activist known for his vocal opposition to the Kenya Kwanza government, has announced that he will be refunding the money...
Boniface Mwangi, a leading human rights advocate, has made a poignant and urgent statement revealing heightened fears for his safety. Mwangi, who is renowned...
The recent appearance of videos featuring former Nation Media Group journalist Nasibo Kabale, now living on the streets, has caused an outpouring of concern...
Beloved Actress Winnie Bwire, Known As ‘Dida’ In ‘Sultana’, Dies After Courageous Battle With Cancer
Actress Winnie Bwire Ndubi, widely recognized as ‘Dida’ from Citizen TV’s hit series ‘Sultana’, has passed away, her family confirms. She succumbed to breast...
It looks like Mumias East MP Peter Salasya just got the green light to socialite Huddah Monroe’s heart, but only if he can raise a cool Ksh6.3 million. And...
Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino clarified on Friday that he was still on good terms with Azimio leader Raila Odinga, despite declaring himself...
Faith Kipyegon is on top of the world after her stunning performance at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The Kenyan star didn’t just break the Olympic record in the...
The Miss South Africa beauty pageant contestant embroiled in a nationality dispute has withdrawn from the competition, citing concerns for her and her family’s...