Home » Governor Abdi Guyo’s Administration Drowns In Corruption As Isiolo’s Healthcare Collapses, Months Of Unpaid Health Workers’ Salaries Raise Questions About Misappropriated Funds
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Governor Abdi Guyo’s Administration Drowns In Corruption As Isiolo’s Healthcare Collapses, Months Of Unpaid Health Workers’ Salaries Raise Questions About Misappropriated Funds

The healthcare crisis in Isiolo County has reached a concerning point, exposing deep-seated issues within Governor Abdi Guyo’s administration.

The county’s healthcare system is on the brink of collapse as health workers, including Community Health Promoters, continue their strike over months of unpaid wages, some dating back over a year.

This crisis has left thousands of residents without access to essential medical services, pushing families to make the heartbreaking decision of turning their homes into makeshift Intensive Care Units (ICUs) to care for their sick loved ones.

The strike, which has been ongoing since early September, was sparked by salary arrears owed to healthcare workers, including a promised stipend for Community Health Promoters who have gone without pay for 12 months.

These workers, tasked with providing vital services such as immunization, prenatal care, and treatment of common illnesses, have been forced to abandon their duties, leaving entire communities vulnerable.

Despite repeated requests to the county government to resolve the payment issues, the county administration has failed to act, citing a lack of funds.

This has compounded the suffering of the healthcare workers themselves, many of whom are struggling to feed their families or send their children to school.

In response, Governor Abdi Guyo has come under heavy criticism from both local leaders and the Senate.

Senator Fatuma Dullo has been particularly vocal, accusing the governor of negligence and calling for a complete overhaul of the county’s healthcare system.

She highlighted cases where critical health services, such as ambulances and NHIF coverage for county employees, have been cut off due to non-payment.

This, coupled with reports of healthcare facilities being closed because of unpaid utility bills, paints a bleak picture of the county’s health infrastructure.

Guyo has attempted to downplay the severity of the crisis, refuting allegations that his administration has neglected the healthcare sector.

He claims that health facilities are operational and that efforts are underway to improve conditions, despite mounting evidence to the contrary.

His continued absence from key Senate meetings has further strained relations, with senators now demanding his arrest for contempt after repeated summonses were ignored.

The situation in Isiolo is dire, with no clear resolution in sight.

The failure of the county government to address the grievances of health workers has left a vacuum in healthcare delivery, forcing desperate families to resort to unsafe and inadequate home care.

For many, even an unequipped home seems preferable to the county hospitals, where there are no staff available to attend to patients.

This level of neglect has led many to question how such a situation could have spiraled so far out of control under Governor Guyo’s leadership, leaving an already vulnerable population without access to basic healthcare.
