Home » Whistleblower Exposes Shocking Incompetence And Corruption At The Catholic University Of Eastern Africa

Whistleblower Exposes Shocking Incompetence And Corruption At The Catholic University Of Eastern Africa

A whistleblower has come forward with claims about corruption and mismanagement at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), shedding light on a situation that has left students trapped in a big nightmare.

The source, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals, alleges that the university’s management is engaging in deliberate actions to frustrate the academic journey of students, pushing many to their emotional and psychological limits.

According to the whistleblower, the university’s management plays a manipulative and corrupt game by intentionally delaying graduation processes and tampering with academic records.

The source detailed that students are often faced with missing marks, discrepancies in fee balances, and an endless cycle of paperwork that prevents them from graduating, even when they have completed all the required courses.

“Students are being taken round from office to office by the administration, trying to clear for graduation, only to be told that they have missing marks or unpaid fees balances, despite having no such issues at the end of the semester. It’s a nightmare,” the whistleblower said.

A particularly disturbing aspect of this revelation is the deliberate delay in the allocation of research supervisors and defense dates for students working on their research proposals.

The whistleblower claims that these delays are often designed to keep students from completing their studies on time, forcing them to miss graduation deadlines and wait for the next academic cycle.

This affects not only undergraduate students but also those pursuing postgraduate diplomas, master’s, and even doctorate programs.

The whistleblower also shared their observations of parents and students helplessly roaming the university’s offices, trying to resolve these issues to no avail.

In some cases, the whistleblower claims, university staff casually suggest that students wait for the next graduation, regardless of whether they’ve fulfilled all academic requirements.

Beyond this frustrations, the emotional toll on students has been devastating.

Reports have surfaced of students attempting suicide due to the intense pressure and hopelessness they experience. For many, the dream of walking across the stage to receive their hard-earned diploma is constantly thwarted by administrative incompetence and a seemingly intentional delay tactic.

“I’ve seen students being pushed to the brink. Some have attempted to take their own lives because they just can’t take the frustration anymore,” the whistleblower revealed.

The claim that students have resorted to such extreme measures highlights the seriousness of the situation and calls into question the ethics of the university’s management practices.

In their message, the whistleblower made a heartfelt plea for urgent action to address the situation, expressing hope that public awareness might prompt intervention.

“Please raise awareness. CUEA is in the business of delaying graduation for as long as possible. The situation is dire, and students are suffering. Immediate action is needed to stop these practices and restore hope to students who simply want to complete their education and move on with their lives.”

This revelation raises serious concerns about the integrity of the university’s management and the well-being of its students.

Universities are meant to be places where students are empowered to grow, learn, and succeed.

Yet, in this case, it seems the system is working against them.

The allegations suggest a betrayal of trust, not only of the students who have invested their time, energy, and money into their education but also of the parents and guardians who have made sacrifices to support their loved ones’ academic journeys.

If these claims are true, there is an urgent need for investigation and reform at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Transparency, accountability, and immediate action are required to address these systemic issues and restore faith in the institution.

Students deserve better, and the longer this problem persists, the more lives are put at risk.
