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What Rastafarians Did At Njambi Koikai’s Funeral That Has Angered Kenyans

On Friday, reggae DJ Njambi Koikai was laid to rest at the Langata Cemetery, drawing hundreds of mourners from various places to bid her a final farewell.

Among the crowd were many reggae enthusiasts, easily identifiable by their distinctive attire, who had come to honor one of their own.

However, the behavior of these reggae fans during Njambi’s funeral has been widely condemned by Kenyans, as it disrupted the family’s ability to mourn privately and in peace.

Reports indicate that the fans caused chaos at the cemetery by blocking the hearse carrying Njambi’s casket.

A video that has since gone viral shows the hearse being forced to leave the cemetery amidst the disorder, unable to proceed due to the crowd’s unruly behavior.

This conduct has sparked outrage among Kenyans, who argue that the fans failed to uphold the peaceful ethos typically associated with reggae culture.

“Reggae lovers are known for their peaceful and respectful demeanor, but what was exhibited at Njambi’s funeral was a stark departure from those values,” remarked a mourner who witnessed the incident.

The disruption was particularly distressing given that Njambi’s family was dealing with a double tragedy. On the same day as her funeral, Njambi’s father passed away, compounding the family’s grief.

This context has made the fans’ behavior even more difficult to understand and accept.

Njambi Koikai was a beloved figure in the reggae community, known not only for her DJ skills but also for her activism and advocacy, particularly in raising awareness about endometriosis, a condition she battled for many years.

Her passing has left a significant void in both the music scene and the broader community.

The chaos at her funeral, however, has overshadowed the solemnity of the occasion.

Many have called for a reflection on the need to respect mourning families and to conduct oneself with dignity and decorum, especially at such sensitive times. “It’s disheartening to see such a lack of respect,” said another mourner. “We came here to celebrate Njambi’s life and support her family, not to cause them further pain.”

In the aftermath of the incident, social media has been flooded with messages of condolences and apologies from reggae fans who were not present but felt compelled to distance themselves from the behavior displayed at the funeral.

Many have called for better organization and communication in future events to prevent such disruptions.

The situation at Njambi’s funeral serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining decorum and respect during mourning periods.

It also highlights the need for community leaders and organizers to ensure that public figures’ funerals are conducted in a manner that allows families to grieve privately and respectfully.

The chaotic scenes at reggae DJ Njambi Koikai’s funeral have drawn widespread condemnation from Kenyans who believe the behavior of some fans dishonored her memory and added to her family’s grief.

As the community reflects on this incident, there is a renewed call for respect and peace, values that Njambi herself championed throughout her life.