Home » Garissa County in Crisis As Audit Exposes Billion-Shilling Corruption Under Governor Nathif Jama

Garissa County in Crisis As Audit Exposes Billion-Shilling Corruption Under Governor Nathif Jama

Garissa County is embroiled in a corruption scandal of staggering proportions, revealing a deep-seated rot within Governor Nathif Jama’s administration.

A comprehensive audit has uncovered unconfirmed expenditures, unsupported payments, and rampant financial mismanagement amounting to billions of shillings.

A recent audit report has exposed alarming discrepancies and a blatant disregard for the proper use of public funds.

The audit highlights that Garissa County’s statement of receipts and payments includes the acquisition of assets worth Kshs. 1,475,930,588.

However, scrutiny of the documents reveals unconfirmed expenditure on office furniture and general equipment amounting to Kshs 32,267,363.

Notably, Kshs 2,965,000 was allocated for ICT equipment meant for technical and vocational training (TVET) institutions.

Months after the purchase, these assets remained unused and untagged, gathering dust in storage.

This raises serious concerns about the accuracy and propriety of this expenditure, indicating possible embezzlement or gross negligence.

The unused and untagged assets symbolize a broader issue of financial mismanagement and lack of accountability within the county administration.

The county’s financial statements reflect expenditures on goods and services totaling Kshs. 845,318,125.

A closer examination uncovers several unsupported expenditures, including domestic travel and subsistence costs amounting to Kshs. 85,924,196.

Payments of Kshs. 1,232,000 for drought assessment duties were made without the necessary pre-travel approvals, activity programs, or attendance registers.

Moreover, office supplies worth Kshs 33,288,247 lacked crucial supporting documents, such as counter receipt vouchers and inspection reports.The scale and depth of these financial discrepancies suggest systemic issues within Governor Nathif Jama’s administration.

The audit not only highlights the lack of transparency and oversight but also raises questions about the governance and ethical standards upheld by the county officials.

The misuse of public funds, especially in a county where resources are critical for development and service delivery, underscores a betrayal of public trust.

Residents of Garissa County, already grappling with numerous socio-economic challenges, are now faced with the harsh reality of their leaders’ financial irresponsibility.

The revelations from the audit call for immediate and decisive action to address the corruption and restore integrity to the county’s financial management.

There is an urgent need for a thorough investigation to hold those responsible accountable and to implement stringent measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

The Garissa County corruption scandal serves as a stark reminder of the importance of accountability and transparency in public administration.

As the authorities delve deeper into the audit findings, the residents and stakeholders of Garissa County will be watching closely, hoping for justice and a renewed commitment to ethical governance.
