Home » ODM MP Declares She Will Vote In Support of Finance Bill 2024, Despite Facing Warning And Criticism

ODM MP Declares She Will Vote In Support of Finance Bill 2024, Despite Facing Warning And Criticism

Nairobi Women Rep Passaris Who was elected on ODM Ticket has declared he will vote in support of Finance Bill 2024.

Passaris reiterated that her primary concern was ensuring the government had the necessary funds to operate efficiently.

She emphasized that her decision was not made lightly and that she had carefully considered the implications before publicly declaring her support.

Passaris further noted that while there were concerns about some aspects of the Finance Bill, it was crucial to strike a balance between generating revenue for the government and alleviating the burden on the citizens.

She pledged to work towards making amendments to the Bill to address some of these concerns and ensure a fair distribution of the tax burden.

Despite facing criticism and warnings of possible repercussions in the upcoming election, Passaris remained steadfast in her decision to vote in favor of the Finance Bill.

She stressed the importance of putting the country’s needs first and expressed confidence that her constituents would understand the rationale behind her decision.

Esther Passaris’s declaration to support the Finance Bill 2024 showcases her commitment to governance and financial transparency.

While facing backlash and criticism, she stood firm in her decision to prioritize the government’s financial needs while also considering the welfare of the people.

Her willingness to address concerns and work towards making the Bill less harsh demonstrates her dedication to serving the people of Nairobi and advocating for responsible fiscal policies.
