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Stones and Clubs Fly as Youths Disrupt ODM Governor’s Event

In a scene of pandemonium on Thursday, several people were injured and property of an undetermined value was destroyed during an event attended by Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga.

The chaos came as clashes broke out between rival political groups of youths, leading to a tumultuous and violent confrontation.

The incident erupted after one faction of youths attempted to prevent a group of mechanics from accessing the event, which had been organized by Governor Wanga to address concerns about their working conditions.

The confrontation began immediately following the governor’s speech, which aimed to address the plights of the informal sector workers.

Witnesses reported that the scuffle quickly escalated, with participants hurling stones and wooden clubs at one another.

The violence extended beyond the immediate area of the clash, damaging nearby buildings and vehicles.

The disturbance forced many residents to seek safety as the situation spiraled out of control.

Governor Wanga, who had intended to discuss improvements in the business environment for informal sector groups, was caught in the midst of the turmoil.

“Our main goal is to create a better business environment for all our informal sector groups,” Wanga had stated earlier in the event, highlighting her commitment to addressing the grievances of the mechanics.

Police, who were on high alert due to the volatile nature of the event, quickly intervened to manage the situation.

They resorted to firing in the air to disperse the warring factions, a measure that only momentarily halted the event as both groups turned their ire towards the officers.

The clash echoed a similar incident in May, where political rivalries also led to violence, injuring two people, including a young boy.

At that time, Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko condemned the violence, accusing local legislator Mark Nyamita of inciting unrest.

“I want to condemn those shameless politicians who think that politics should be that of violence and that the police should be part of their local goons,” Ayacko had asserted.

The latest disturbance underscores the deepening political tensions and the challenges faced in maintaining order at public events amid rising rivalries.