Home » What Former President Uhuru Kenyatta Once Said In His Speech That Has Turned Out Being Prophetic

What Former President Uhuru Kenyatta Once Said In His Speech That Has Turned Out Being Prophetic

In a speech that now seems prophetic, former President Uhuru Kenyatta once remarked, “This youth will change a lot of things!” His words resonated profoundly in recent days as Generation Z, often dismissed as apathetic or self-absorbed, took to the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest against the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

The Finance Bill 2024 has been a lightning rod for public discontent, seen by many as a move that disproportionately burdens the lower and middle classes with increased taxes and reduced public services.

What was unexpected, however, was the leading role played by young people in voicing their dissent.

From the outset, the protests were marked by a level of organization and resolve that took many by surprise.

Despite the police deploying excessive force, including teargas and mass arrests, the protesters remained undeterred.

Social media platforms were awash with live updates, images, and videos that not only documented the police brutality but also galvanized further support for the cause.

The hashtag #GenZRevolt quickly trended, reflecting the widespread solidarity among the youth.

This remarkable display of civic engagement underscores a generational shift in political consciousness.

Gen Z, born into a world of rapid technological change and faced with unique economic and environmental challenges, is proving to be a formidable force.

They are digitally savvy, socially aware, and increasingly unwilling to accept the status quo.

One of the defining characteristics of Gen Z is their adeptness with digital tools and platforms.

This generation has grown up with the internet, smartphones, and social media, which has significantly shaped their worldview and methods of activism.

The recent protests against the Finance Bill 2024 have highlighted how effectively they can mobilize and organize online.

Hashtags, viral videos, and live streams have become powerful tools in their arsenal, helping to spread their message far and wide, drawing both national and international attention.

Moreover, Gen Z’s activism is deeply rooted in a desire for social justice and equity.

They are not merely reacting to a single issue but are instead calling for broader systemic changes.

The Finance Bill 2024 is seen as just one of many policies that reflect deeper societal inequalities.

Young people are demanding a more inclusive and fair economic system that does not disproportionately impact the most vulnerable populations.

Their activism is also interlinked with other global movements.

The fight against climate change, for instance, is a significant concern for many young activists.

They recognize that economic policies and environmental sustainability are interconnected and advocate for holistic solutions that address multiple issues simultaneously.

This interconnected approach to activism is a hallmark of Gen Z, setting them apart from previous generations.

The recent protests have also shed light on the innovative ways in which Gen Z approaches activism. Beyond traditional street protests, they employ digital campaigns, virtual town halls, and online petitions to raise awareness and exert pressure on policymakers.

This multifaceted strategy enhances their reach and impact, making it difficult for authorities to ignore their demands.

Furthermore, the participation of Gen Z in these protests has fostered a sense of community and solidarity among young people.

They are building networks and alliances that transcend geographical and social boundaries, creating a unified front that is resilient and dynamic.

This sense of collective identity is empowering and has the potential to drive significant social and political change in the years to come.

The recent protests against the Finance Bill 2024 have demonstrated that Gen Z is a powerful and influential generation.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s words have indeed proven to be prophetic.

This youth is not only capable of changing a lot of things but is already doing so.

Their activism, fueled by digital savvy, social awareness, and a relentless pursuit of justice, is reshaping the political landscape.

As they continue to advocate for a more equitable and sustainable future, it is clear that the voice of Gen Z will remain a formidable force in the fight for change.