Home » Governor Bii Under Fire As Corruption and Mismanagement Scandal Rocks Eldowas

Governor Bii Under Fire As Corruption and Mismanagement Scandal Rocks Eldowas

Reports indicate a significant breakdown in oversight and accountability within the organization, prompting stakeholders to demand urgent intervention by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and government auditors.

The crux of the allegations revolves around exorbitantly high board allowances at Eldowas.

It has been revealed that some session allowances for board members surpass the combined monthly salaries of three field employees.

This has led to an alarming frequency of board meetings ranging from three to five per month each accumulating these hefty allowances, thereby maximizing personal gain for the members involved.

This misuse of resources is happening under the watchful eye of Governor Bii, who has been accused of contributing to the financial decline of Eldowas.

Once heralded as a leading water company in the country, Eldowas has now plummeted to the bottom of the rankings.

The governor’s oversight is being questioned, with critics pointing to a culture of favoritism and nepotism that has taken root within the company.

Employment practices at Eldowas have come under scrutiny, with allegations that family members and unqualified individuals are being employed at the expense of more competent candidates.

This has led to a workforce that is less capable of managing the company’s operations effectively, further compounding its woes.

The tendering processes at Eldowas are also reportedly fraught with corruption, with contracts being awarded to a select few closely tied to the top management.

This practice has not only drained the company’s resources but also alienated the local community, who feel excluded from the economic benefits that should rightfully be theirs.

The consequences of this mismanagement are starkly visible in the lives of Uasin Gishu residents.

Despite the region’s advantageous high altitude and forest cover, which should naturally support lower water costs, residents are burdened with exorbitant water rates.

This disparity underscores the depth of the financial and managerial issues plaguing Eldowas.

Stakeholders are now calling for swift and decisive action. The involvement of the EACC and government auditors is seen as crucial to restoring accountability and transparency within Eldowas.

These bodies are expected to conduct thorough investigations to uncover the full extent of the corruption and mismanagement, and to hold those responsible accountable.

The current scandal presents an opportunity to address systemic issues within Eldowas and to implement reforms that could restore the company’s former glory.

However, it will require a commitment to transparency, accountability, and good governance.

The residents of Uasin Gishu, who rely on Eldowas for their water needs, deserve nothing less.

In the coming weeks, the actions taken by the EACC and government auditors will be closely watched.

Their findings and recommendations will play a critical role in determining the future direction of Eldowas and the extent to which Governor Bii’s administration is willing to address and rectify the issues at hand.
